Saturday, May 15, 2010

Manuscript Finished!

I am very happy to announce the completion of my latest manuscript! This has been my first foray into the realm of science-fiction and writing in the first person, but I'm sure it won't be the last for either. And, while I have ideas for a title, I still don't have even a final working one. Why is it that coming up with a title can be harder than writing the book itself?
Okay, break time is over, now on to the next one!


  1. Congratulations, Jason! I'm very happy for you. And only a little bit jealous. Okay, maybe a lot jealous, but still very happy for you!

  2. Yay for finishing! Now to finish the story! =P =)

  3. Good job! Keep up the good work! Maybe someday soon I'll be able to finish my book. ;-)
